Hospital Construction
TPI provided Special Inspections and Material Testing Services for John Civetta & Sons, Inc on multiple elements of the VA Medical Center Building Flood Wall Project. An extensive set of inspections have been performed on the construction of the floodwall, and on site work covering all building works through and through.
Twin Peaks assumed responsibility for and performed all special and progress inspections identified by the project’s Engineer(s)/ Architect(s) of Record and approved by the NYC Department of Buildings as required items for the issuance of permits and Temporary and Final Certificates of Occupancy. When the onslaught of Hurricane Sandy sent 14 feet of river water gushing through the streets on Manhattan’s East Side, one of the buildings to get damaged the most heavily was the VA Medical Center.
As a result of the water damage, the federal facility remained closed for the next six months. A $207 million hurricane repair and restoration project funded repairs to the building and the construction of a 14.5-feet tall wall that now protects the hospital from future flooding. The project includes floodgates, a secant wall providing seepage cutoff, internal stormwater piping and storage, utility modifications, and internal drainage area pump stations. The project included some demolition, the removal of fencing, paving, sidewalks, utilities, and landscaping walls. Out of the $207 million that was given to the hospital, $23,830,000 is going towards the wall.
TR-1 & TR-2 Special/ Progress Inspections performed:
Concrete Sampling & Testing, Concrete Cast-In-Place, Grout Sampling, Rebar Soil Sampling & Material Laboratory Testing, Subgrade