Twin Peaks inspectors monitored field placement of asphalt to ensure the performance of pavement and prevent premature failure. Compaction is the single most important factor that affects the ultimate performance of hot mix asphalt. Temperature significantly influences pavement density, as asphalt binder stiffens as it cools.
Twin Peaks asphalt inspectors are certified to perform asphalt compaction inspections by NICET (National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies); NETTCP (NorthEast Transportation Training And Certification Program); AGC (Associated General Contractors of America); and NYS HMA Density Testing Program administered by Alfred State College.
Twin Peaks also has two core drilling teams and a fully certified Construction Materials Testing (CMT) Laboratory for extracting and testing asphalt cores for the most accurate determination of density.
TPI’s inspectors provide accurate test reports and prompt service to deliver pavement that performs as designed.
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