Project HH-10 – Henry Hudson Bridge – Replacement of the Upper-Level Curb Stringers and Roadway Lighting
Twin Peaks, Inc. performed special inspections during the removal and replacement of the original 1930s-era steel curb stringers that were supporting the upper-level roadway of the bridge. The project’s total budget was $32 mm.
The original steel curb stringers installed during the bridge’s construction were not watertight. Over the years, water had entered the stringers and caused deterioration in sections of the steel.
The old stringer boxes were removed and replaced by dozens of new sub-stringer steel beams. Each beam weighed about 3,000 pounds and was hoisted into place from underneath the roadway to support the upper level. A new roadway was then built where the old curb stringers originally were. The new concrete decking
formed a barrier against water infiltration.
New energy-efficient roadway lighting has been added to illuminate the wider roadways. The new roadway light poles replicate the style of lamp posts used during the bridge’s construction to maintain the historic Depression-era design.